/lil towel aprons


Happy New Year!
I wanted to get that out before the year isn't so new anymore. Yikes, time is moving more quickly than ever!

I've been sewing a lot of projects that aren't quite ready for their debut, but I do want to share these awesome (though the Easter egg palette isn't quite my style) aprons I was commissioned to make by my elderly neighbor lady. She wanted me to repurpose her kitchen towels into these little aprons and I thought the idea was so smart!

I love to cook and bake, and spend lots of time in the kitchen. These had me realizing that I probably spend too much of that time trying to find a towel to dry my hands with after washing. (I'm really hands-on in the kitchen... totally not messy. Uh huh.) Anyway, these are insanely utilitarian, which is my thing. They're repurposed and look good doing it, so I'm making some for myself next!

These are pretty self-explanatory to put together. You'll need to buy one three yard package of .875" double fold bias tape for each apron (or make some yourself). The width is for the waistband only, and cut down to half for the edges. One towel for each, just the normal sort you hang on the oven door.

For some reason I feel like I have to reinforce that these colours totally not my style... this palette is making me weirdly self-conscious, HA. But they are completely my neighbor lady's style, and she'll get a lot of use out of them. I delivered them to her yesterday, and she was so cute trying all of them on right away. Thanks for the idea, Veronica!

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